Research Projects Directory

Research Projects Directory

14,848 active projects

This information was updated 12/26/2024

The Research Projects Directory includes information about all projects that currently exist in the Researcher Workbench to help provide transparency about how the Workbench is being used. Each project specifies whether Registered Tier or Controlled Tier data are used.

Note: Researcher Workbench users provide information about their research projects independently. Views expressed in the Research Projects Directory belong to the relevant users and do not necessarily represent those of the All of Us Research Program. Information in the Research Projects Directory is also cross-posted on in compliance with the 21st Century Cures Act.

No projects currently have 'Genomic Analysis for Females Having Cancer' in their project title.

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You can request that the All of Us Resource Access Board (RAB) review a research purpose description if you have concerns that this research project may stigmatize All of Us participants or violate the Data User Code of Conduct in some other way. To request a review, you must fill in a form, which you can access by selecting ‘request a review’ below.