What is the purpose of the Data Browser?

The Data Browser is an interactive tool that allows you to learn more about the data collected as part of the All of Us Research Program. You can explore the survey questions and answers and physical measurements taken at the time of participant enrollment. You can also learn more about the electronic health record (EHR) data. The Data Browser will allow you to see how many of the All of Us participants have certain conditions, survey responses, demographics, and more.

The Data Browser was built with researchers in mind but also provides value to other users, including program participants, funders, the media and other stakeholders. Researchers may find information that allows them to develop hypotheses or assess the feasibility of the data set for their studies. Participants might be interested in comparing their survey responses with those of the group or exploring how many other participants have diseases relevant to themselves or a family member. Finally, the media, funders, and other stakeholders might be interested in learning about the participant group as a whole, including exploring the prevalence of specific conditions or drug exposures, or learning about response rates for the surveys.