Data User Appeals Policy

Below are some key points from the All of Us Research Program Data User Appeals policy. Data users should follow the full policy, available for download at the bottom of this page.

The All of Us Research Program Data User Code of Conduct requires data users to establish a project workspace for each unique research project. Each project workspace, in turn, must bear a meaningful and accurate description of the research purpose that is created at the time of workspace initiation. These workspaces and descriptions are subject to review upon public or user request or during periodic audits of the Research Hub. The All of Us Resource Access Board (RAB) is charged with conducting any reviews necessary to determine compliance with the Data User Code of Conduct. The Resource Access Board shall do so, according to the policies and guidelines set forth by the All of Us Research Program. The RAB will determine whether the workspace project is compliant with the Data User Code of Conduct and recommend corrective or enforcement action. In some instances, data users may disagree with RAB determinations. In these situations, data users may appeal the determination according to the policy below.

Full policy is available here:

Download the file