Data and Statistics Dissemination Policy

Below are some key points from the All of Us Research Program Data and Statistics Dissemination Policy. Data users should follow the full policy, available for download at the bottom of this page.

Under the All of Us Data and Statistics Dissemination Policy:

  1. No participant count of 1 to 20 can be published or distributed directly (a count of 0 is permitted); and
  2. No data or statistics can be reported that allow a participant count of 1 to 20 to be derived from other reported cells or information, including in text, tables, or figures. This includes the use of percentages or other mathematical formulas that in combination would allow an individual to deduce a participant count of less than 20.

This policy permits data users who wish to report data or aggregate statistics that correspond to fewer than 20 participants to obscure these values using scientifically accepted strategies, including collapsing data across cells, coarsening data, or cell suppression. More information about acceptable strategies and how to employ them are available in the Researcher Workbench.

Full policy is available here:

Download the file