Publication and Presentation Policy

Below are some key points from the Publication and Presentation policy. Data users should follow the full policy, available for download at the bottom of this page.

Researcher Workbench users are obligated to inform the program of any upcoming publications or presentations resulting from the use of All of Us Research Program data (including peer-reviewed manuscripts or conference abstracts) at least two weeks before the date of publication or presentation. You can do this by contacting User Support in your Researcher Workbench account. Your manuscript will not go through any program review. The information will only be used to allow the program to prepare for any media coverage or communication regarding the upcoming publication. Any embargoes will be honored.

Additionally, you must submit an electronic version of a final, peer-reviewed manuscript to PubMed Central immediately upon acceptance for publication, to be made publicly available immediately without any embargo period.

Researcher Workbench users must honor the contribution of those who take part in All of Us to the research project’s work. This includes in all oral and written presentations, disclosures, and publications resulting from any analyses of the data. The following is an example of an acknowledgement statement:

“We gratefully acknowledge All of Us participants for their contributions, without whom this research would not have been possible. We also thank the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program for making available the participant data [and/or samples and/or cohort] examined in this study.”

Full policy is available here:

Download the file